What are lead magnets and how should video businesses use them to generate leads?

marketing q&a Feb 23, 2023
What lead magnets should video production businesses create?


There’s a very powerful way for video businesses to generate leads, to open up conversations, to build their database, but many video production professionals just flat out don’t use them, or, if they do, they aren’t using them to generate a constant flow of new contacts, new prospects, new opportunities into their video business.

So today we’re going to understand what they are, what you should be creating, how to promote them and, ultimately, how to make sure that you’re always opening up new conversations with potential customers.

What are lead magnets and how should video businesses use them to generate leads?





00:00:00:01 - 00:00:31:15
There's a very powerful way for video businesses to generate leads, to open up conversations, to build their database. But many video production professionals just flat out don't use them. Or if they do, they aren't using them to generate a constant flow of new contacts, new prospects, new opportunities into their video business. So today we're going to understand what they are, what you should be creating, how to promote them, and, ultimately, how to make sure that you're always opening up new conversations with potential customers.

00:00:32:02 - 00:00:56:24
What are lead magnets and how should video businesses use them to generate leads? Let's get stuck in. So, you may or may not be aware of lead magnets and their purpose, but let's tick that off straight away. A lead magnet is a short, easy to consume, piece of content that is gated, so the person or prospects needs to share their email address in order to get access to this content.

00:00:56:24 - 00:01:21:12
You've probably seen them. Industry reports, short how-to guides, gated video content, worksheets, downloadable tools. By developing and promoting your lead magnet to your ideal customer, you ensure that your database is continually growing with people, brands and prospects that are perfect for you. This allows you to open up conversations with these people and ultimately convert them to a new project.

00:01:21:21 - 00:01:43:14
Without these powerful tools, your video business is never growing. So that's what a lead magnet is, and it's an easy concept to get your head around. But the challenge that production professionals have is knowing what to create, understanding what their ideal customer would want to download, need help with, and how to promote them. So that's what we're going to focus on now.

00:01:43:20 - 00:02:05:09
And I'm going to share with you some free resources that will help you to develop your own lead magnets, which you'll need to share your email address in order to download. See what's going on here? So, what should you create? What's going to be attractive enough to your ideal customer for them to share their email address? Well, a lead magnet always needs to solve a challenge.

00:02:05:09 - 00:02:27:13
It needs to be valuable enough to your prospect for them to want to download it. So how do we work out what that is? Well, the first thing that we need to do is to truly understand our ideal customer. And we do that with an audience persona. Below this video, you'll be able to download and use the audience persona worksheet that I and my students use in order to get crystal clear on their perfect prospect.

00:02:27:13 - 00:02:51:24
This isn't any old audience persona. We go deeper than the regular audience personas. We, of course, profile their age, location, marital status, income bracket and so on. But we also look at what challenges they face, what hurdles are they needing to overcome, what are their desires on a personal level? Because when we understand this information, we have everything that we need to create a powerful lead magnet.

00:02:52:10 - 00:03:13:15
Once you've developed your audience persona, you need to look at the challenges that these people face and specifically how you and your service (video content) can help them to overcome those challenges. This is also really helpful to start shaping your Awareness Stage and Consideration Stage content, but we're focusing on lead magnets in this video. You can check out my other videos to get clear on that.

00:03:14:03 - 00:03:36:06
So find a couple of the challenges and then let's use another worksheet to brainstorm a perfect lead magnet for those people. So within the resources for this video, again linked below, you'll find another worksheet that will help you to brainstorm ideas for your lead magnets. So download that and work through it. By the end of that exercise, you'll know what you need to create.

00:03:36:06 - 00:03:58:17
Another item within the resources is a chapter from my book The Lead Generation Machine, which by the way, you can get for just $7 again via the links below. But this chapter explains in detail the concept of a lead magnet and how we move people from our audience, so that's people that are engaging with our business - potentially on social media - to our lists, our database, or list of prospects.

00:03:59:08 - 00:04:23:05
Okay, so quick recap. We know the challenges that our perfect prospects face and we know what we're going to be creating. So the next step is to create it. But depending on what your brainstorming spits out, you will either need to create a PDF, or a video, or a report, or whatever you end up deciding. But remember, a good lead magnet needs to be short and sharp, but provide a high level of value.

00:04:23:13 - 00:04:47:09
It needs to explain to the reader, viewer, prospect, how they can overcome the challenge that they're facing. So assuming that you've got that created, the next question is: “How do I get people to download this?” Now, I know I always talk about this, but it's because it's important. The Buyer's Journey. We've got three stages. The Awareness Stage, where the buyer becomes aware of an issue or an opportunity.

00:04:47:09 - 00:05:06:20
We use our content to make them aware of that. The Consideration Stage, where the buyer becomes solution aware. So this is where they understand that video will help them to fix their issue or achieve that opportunity. And then The Decision Stage, where the buyer becomes provider aware and they decide who is going to help them to fix that issue or achieve that opportunity.

00:05:07:01 - 00:05:32:04
I've linked to a video that goes into more detail on The Buyer's Journey below, but our lead magnets are Consideration Stage content. They help the buyer to understand that video is a route that they should be taking and you help them to see the light, to see the answer. And the beautiful thing about this is that as they consume your lead magnet, they transition to The Decision Stage, where they look for the person, or team, that is going to help them.

00:05:32:12 - 00:05:58:17
But what just happened in order to get that content? They gave you their email address. So when you next reach out to them, they'll be in The Decision Stage and you're the person that got them there. So who are they going to work with? Now, that's a rather long answer to the question in hand, but I'm hoping that you can see the power of using lead magnets, making sure that they help your target audience, what you should be creating and how to actually use them to drive results.

00:05:58:17 - 00:06:27:14
So what are the next steps? Well, the first thing that you need to do is to download the resources available to you, which will help you to fix this challenge. Remember that? The challenge! But the second thing to do, and if you found value in this video, is to get your copy of The Lead Generation Machine. Obviously, what we've talked about today is just one part of a wider marketing system, and that wider marketing system is covered in detail within this book. At the moment,

00:06:27:14 - 00:06:46:15
you can get access to the e-book version of the book for just $7, or you can get the physical printed book with free worldwide shipping for just $27. You can actually also get both the e-book and the physical book for $27 too. The link for the book is below this video as well. So I hope you found that helpful.

00:06:46:15 - 00:06:54:08
But if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me personally or leave a comment below. Thanks for being here and have a fantastic day.

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