The Week In Review - Sunday 19th February 2023

this week in review Feb 19, 2023


It's that time of the week again where we take a look back at what marketing, sales and retention tips and training were delivered this week.

Let's review what we covered this week ...

Monday's Deep Dive (Marketing)

Blue Ocean Strategy and how video professionals can use it to completely eradicate the competition

This week's Deep Dive is another key marketing concept to understand as video production business owners, and freelancers.  It goes hand-in-hand with The Buyer's Journey and is the secret to attracting a constant stream of opportunities into your video business.  And, it's a concept that the vast majority of video professionals do not understand.  This is a must watch for anyone that owns a video business.

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Tuesday's Q&A (Marketing)

How do I get referrals for my video business and what actually works?

So we all know that we should be asking for referrals, but how many of us are actually doing it?  And what should we be asking?  When?  And how?  Well, in this short Q&A video, I provide you with a referral system that will help you to grow your video business organically.

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Wednesday's Render Break (Retention)

Why the project-by-project business model is the biggest barrier to growth for video production professionals and how to fix it

In this week's Render Break, I go deep into the biggest pain that any video business owner faces - lumpy cash flow, which is a direct result of a project-by-project business model.  I map out the steps that you need to take in order to avoid this pain and show you how to convert your one-off projects to long-term contracts, or retainers.

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Thursday's Q&A (Marketing)

How do I consistently get more video projects?

Anyone working in the video world will have experienced the feast-or-famine way of living, where one month you have a load of projects land, but the next, you have none.  So in this Q&A, I explain how you can build consistency into your video business by attracting a constant flow of opportunities and projects.  And, you'll be pleased to know, it's very simple once you know how!

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Friday's How-To (Sales)

How to win the vast majority of the video projects that I pitch, propose or quote on

We all know the feeling of pitching, or proposing, or quoting, for a project that would be perfect for us.  We give it our best shot, perhaps even smash it out the park.  And then we wait.  We wait for the email, or call, to inform us as to whether we have won the work or not.  And then we ready the 'U-word'.  Unfortunately.  So in this week's How-To, I walk you through the system that will allow you to win over 90% of your pitches, proposals, or quotes.

Watch now >>>

Saturday's Q&A (Marketing)

How can I make my video business more profitable?

It's all well and good winning projects with big name brands, or high-profile clients, but these are often the projects that hit us where it hurts ... In the pocket.  So in this Q&A, I'm walking you through the process that will ensure that come month-end, you're not only covering your bills, but you're putting cash aside to invest in you, your kit, your business, and your family.

Watch now >>>

That's all for this week!

Be sure to sign-up to my weekly emails to never miss a video and feel free to subscribe to my new YouTube channel.

If you have any questions, please drop me an email at [email protected].

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